Friday, October 14, 2011

Save directly to Cloud Storage - Cloud Save

Most people tend to be drifting toward Cloud Storage so a future without it seems inevitable. It seems kind of redundant to download a file from online to your hard drive and then upload it to your Cloud Storage server afterwards. You probably don’t need the file locally and online in most cases so this process is unnecessary. The smart folks at Google realized this as well and created a Google Chrome extension that bypasses the entire middle stage of this process. Nice! It is called Cloud Save and can be acquired right about HERE for FREE!

So how this app works is really simple. Basically once you have it installed, all you have to do is right click an image or file type like you normally would to save it to your HD. Now you will have a new option in the menu called “Cloud Save” which will enable you to directly save the file to your cloud of choice. Cloud Save is currently compatible with 19 different “clouds” including SugarSync – my fav- as well as DropBox, Google Docs, SkyDrive, Picasa, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon Cloud etc. If you look up awesome dinosaur pics like I do then your new file saving procedure might look like this example:

So to download this free app, just follow this link HEREand then click on the "Add to Chrome" button.

A pop up will appear to confirm the download looking exactly like this one:

Then the app will install in like 5 seconds and the confirmation will show in the top right of your browser like this.

And that is it! Now you are good to go! Now whenever you want to save a file directly to a cloud all you do is right click and go for it! This extension is also very smart so if your cloud of choice is not initially on the first submenu, once you have used it a time or two it will work its way to the top for easy access. Now go get after all those (wholesome) files!

Note: To manage your apps click the little wrench to the right of the address bar, then hover your mouse over “Tools” and then a submenu will appear with “Extensions.” Click it and your extensions can be managed from here.

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